Sunday, 19 January 2014

New Year: Resolved

So at the beginning of this year, as most of us do on the first of January, I created a short list of New Year's Resolutions to try and achieve over the next few months. I've steered clear of the clichéd 'join a gym' resolution (although I did join a gym for a whole 3 days - that's another story though) and have concocted this list:
  1. Eat Healthily - I think this is something everyone tries to achieve at some point in their lives. Eating healthily isn't necessarily eating a bowl of salad three times a day, and as a fussy eater I'm already finding this one a challenge. I'm aiming for a healthy breakfast (weetabix, shredded wheat, omelette, etc.) followed by a light snack at lunch and something I actually want for tea. I think the key to healthiness is eat more, snack less - especially if you're aiming to lose weight in the process. 
  2. Walk More - This resolution ties in with the first; I think it's clear from these two that I'm trying to become fitter and healthier. Unfortunately I am quite partial to cheating and nipping on a bus for a short journey instead of walking; 'Hey, I have a £200 bus pass, I need to use it!' being the most common excuse. But fair play, if I do say so myself.
  3. Spend Less Money - You only realise how easy it is to spend £50 in one transaction when your bank account is speedily reaching single figures and you suddenly need a budget. I easily walk into Primark, being tricked into it's hands by cheap clothes and no minimum card spend limit, and walk out with three items of clothing and £30 less in my bank. Therefore I have designed a scheme to follow when purchasing and I ask my self the three big questions: 'Do I need it? Why do I need it? Can I really afford it?' I think this helps me make a justified decision... 50% of the time.
I can see myself giving up halfway through the year but I am thoroughly determined to fulfil these resolutions for as long as I can.

Maybe I'll give a little update in June; hopefully it'll be positive!

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