Thursday, 6 March 2014


For Lent every year I like to give up something that means a lot to me. This year, alike the previous three, I have given up my favourite treat: Chocolate.

If you don't know what Lent is, it's a Christian time of reflection and temptation. In the Bible, Jesus wandered in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights and was tempted by the devil. Every year during this period of time, from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, Christians give up something they love to fight temptation or give more to charity or even just smile more to cheer people up. 

I'm super original and gave up chocolate is actually a big deal for me. It's really hard to give up something you love and I'm also going to use this time to sneakily lose a bit of weight for my summer holiday, so I can wear a bikini on the beach and actually tan my pasty white stomach.

It seems like everyone is giving up chocolate, so I've decided to add a twist; if I accidentally eat chocolate, I have to donate 50p to charity (per mouthful). Also, every single time I pass a charity bucket, as long as it's a legitimate charity, I have to donate as much as I can afford to give. I think these are two things which will motivate me to not give in to temptation and to spend less on myself and more on important causes in the world.

To me, Lent is a time for selflessness, and I believe everyone should become a little more helpful to each other during these forty days, and hopefully carry on that trend and make it a daily occurrence as much as possible, even outside of Lent!

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