Sunday, 20 April 2014

TV Series: Once Upon A Time

During the lead up of the busy time that is the exam season, we all need an excuse for a little procrastination. 

Once Upon A Time is my biggest distraction at the moment and I'm finding it all too hard to pull myself away from the series. 

(Possible spoilers... I'll try my best to keep it plot-less)

A few months ago I was, like most teenagers nowadays, browsing through my favourite websites. I realised it had been a couple of months since I'd used my Tumblr and so I decided that it was time to move on from the past and to start a new Tumblr blog (link at the bottom of the post) and I decided to find some GIFs to reblog to start it.

The first interest of mine that came to mind (that I had never found any GIFs of) was the 2003 version of the classic, Peter Pan. I searched for the tag on Tumblr and I found a lot of content from the 2003 version, some from the Disney animated version... and then a few unknown versions of Peter Pan.

Peter Pan is one of my favourite stories of all time and as soon as I found out there was a modern version of the tale I realised I needed to find out where the GIFs were from and why the person playing him was being so sassy.

I saw that the tag read 'Once Upon A Time' and so I googled it and found it to be a TV series. I put off watching the series for quite a few weeks, but when I asked my friends whether they'd heard about it and they said they had (and I was talking to some TV series fanatics here), I knew it was something I needed to find out more about. My friend informed me that the Peter Pan storyline comes into play at the end of series two. 

I started watching it a week later, from series one episode one (thank you Sky+ Anytime...) and was hooked immediately. The build up of characters and the intertwining of fairytale storylines and the metaphors and puns were gripping and impressive. I can not recommend the series enough, and I'm only on episode fourteen of twenty-two of the first series. I find it so clever how Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood and Sleeping Beauty can mix with Rumplestiltskin and Cinderella and all make 100% sense and create suspense and intrigue. And with Emma and Henry, two OCs (fanfiction term, urban dictionary it), there is a neutral zone that you'll understand even if you've never heard of a fairytale that exists in the show.

Please please give the show a chance if you like romance, adventure, drama and thrillers as the plot contains all four, and then some.

Tumblr: [x]

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