A couple of weeks ago I travelled back to Manchester to celebrate the end of my only exam (which I did on 20th January... it went well!). My friends and I went to the cocktail bar 'The Font' and then the nightclub '5th Avenue' for their Propaganda night.
I don't often go 'out' as I'm not a massive fan of getting drunk, but I enjoy doing it with my closest friends every now and again.
This is a review of my first 'real' night out and my first time visiting Fifth Ave.
I stepped on the scales a couple of weeks ago and, although it was 6pm at night and I was wearing clothes, discovered I'd put on around five pounds since I last weighed myself.
I'm not a weight-obsessed person, although I've always wanted a flatter stomach, but these additional pounds took me into the next stone up and, according to a BMI calculator, tipped me over the border to 'overweight'.
Since lent is coming up soon anyway (and I always give up chocolate for lent) I thought going on a diet would be a great transition into giving up chocolate, biscuits and crisps.
And thus... I turned to Slim-Fast.