I stepped on the scales a couple of weeks ago and, although it was 6pm at night and I was wearing clothes, discovered I'd put on around five pounds since I last weighed myself.
I'm not a weight-obsessed person, although I've always wanted a flatter stomach, but these additional pounds took me into the next stone up and, according to a BMI calculator, tipped me over the border to 'overweight'.
Since lent is coming up soon anyway (and I always give up chocolate for lent) I thought going on a diet would be a great transition into giving up chocolate, biscuits and crisps.
And thus... I turned to Slim-Fast.

If you haven't heard of Slim-Fast then you've been sitting in the dark for a long time. Or maybe you've just never been to Boots/Superdrug.
Slim-Fast is a diet in which you swap breakfast and lunch for two of their supplement 'meals'. You also swap snacks for either their snacks or fruit and the like.
The 3.2.1. diet is set out like this:
Choose 3 snacks - Slim-Fast branded or fruit/veg/crackers etc.
2 meals - Either a Slim-Fast shake or meal bar.
1 calorie controlled meal - For dinner.
I've heard of a lot of people trying this diet, including my sister, and of all the YouTube videos and reviews I could find, only one was a positive one... everyone said the diet left you feeling hungry and because of its nature of being high in sugar (I've not fact-checked that) it means you gain weight when you come of it.
I decided to ignore them all.
Maybe I'm crazy but I definitely prefer a diet leaving you feeling a little hungry because I feel like it is working. I feel like I'm being controlled more.
I've also found the less I eat, the less I need to eat. Lately I've been binging on snacks and Red Hot World Buffet (I highly recommend!) and I feel very unsatisfied when I eat the correct portioned meals and don't snack on an ordinary day. I end up eating at night, which isn't good at all.
So today was day 1 of the diet and I really enjoyed it! (If you think it's possible to enjoy a diet!)
The products tasted nice (I'll list them below) and I don't feel starving, just peckish. But I know I need to practice self control and not eat the snacks sat in my fridge and cupboard. Although I swear they're calling out to me!
Let me know in the comments if you've tried the diet, or want to. It's not too expensive if you only buy Slim-Fast and don't do a big shop alongside it. I paid around £25 for a week - week and a half's worth of food, courtesy of Superdrug's awesome sale!
Speak soon!
Beth x
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Slim-Fast Products:
(these are the ones I've bought. The ones in italic are the one's I've tried and liked. The number is which part of the 3.2.1. diet it belongs to!)
- Chocolate Crunch Flavour Meal Bars (2)
- Sour Cream and Chive Flavour Pretzels (3)
- Cheddar Flavour Bites (3)
- Chocolate Caramel Treat (3)
- Heavenly Chocolate Delight (3)
- Rich Chocolate Flavour Shake Powder (2)
- Rich Chocolate Flavour Bottle Shake (2)
- Latte Flavour Bottle Shake (2)
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