Saturday, 19 July 2014

Sunday, 13 July 2014

College Leavers Ball Hair & Make-Up (mini-post) | 27.06.2014

As promised, another prom-inspired post, this time focusing on my hair and make-up. 

(Apologies that I'm not wearing my dress in any of these photos)

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Saturday, 28 June 2014

My Birthday Make-up Idea

I'm not sure how interested you'll be in this post, but this is my initial idea for my birthday make-up. The pictures are fuzzy, the whole thing is rushed but I thought that I'd just quickly share this with you!

Sunday, 22 June 2014

June's Album Of The Month: No Strings Attached

Room 94 - not to be confused with 'My Love''s ROUTE 94... - are a four piece pop/rock band based in London. This album, released on March 10th 2014, is their official debut into the music industry, a CD which made its way into HMV a few months ago. The songs on it are catchy, (mostly) upbeat and just genuinely good, and that's why 'No Strings Attached' is my album of the month for June.

(P.s. Sorry it's late!)

Sunday, 11 May 2014

How To Revise

It's almost time to start exams and June is approaching fast, here are my top 10 tips for revising!

Friday, 9 May 2014

May's Album Of The Month: Is There Anybody Out There?

Ian Axel and Chad Vaccerino, better known as A Great Big World, have flown to the top of the charts with their international hit single (ft. Christina Aguilera) 'Say Something'. Said single is on their debut album, released in January of this year. I can not recommend this album enough.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Happy Easter!

It's finally arrived... Easter Sunday is here!

TV Series: Once Upon A Time

During the lead up of the busy time that is the exam season, we all need an excuse for a little procrastination. 

Once Upon A Time is my biggest distraction at the moment and I'm finding it all too hard to pull myself away from the series. 

(Possible spoilers... I'll try my best to keep it plot-less)

Monday, 14 April 2014

April's Album Of The Month: Meet The Vamps

British band 'The Vamps' have released their debut album today, entitled 'Meet The Vamps'. The 51 minute long album holds 15 tracks and has been long awaited by fans.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Make-Up and Skin Care: Hybrd Cosmetics

Hybrd cosmetics kindly sent me some free samples which I decided to focus a post on. Hope you enjoy!

(I have linked anything you might want to find/buy, make sure you use the links!)

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Birmingham International Fashion Week (...End)

On the 28th February 2014 my friend Lucy and I boarded a National Express Coach at Chorlton Street bus station and departed for a three hour journey to Birmingham. The coach was stuffy and lethargic but we managed to get to our destination unscathed.

Thursday, 6 March 2014


For Lent every year I like to give up something that means a lot to me. This year, alike the previous three, I have given up my favourite treat: Chocolate.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Valentine's Day/Big Wheel

For Valentine's Day last Friday, my boyfriend and I took a trip on the big wheel in Manchester Picadilly. The big wheel used to be found near the Triangle, at the back of the Arndale Shopping Centre but was taken down so that during the 2012 Olympics tourists and citizens alike could watch the sports on the big screen which is positioned in front of rows of stone benches next to Selfridges. 

I took a ride on the wheel when it was near the Triangle and from judging both rides, I think the new positioning of the wheel is a good thing. Although its previous location gave just a nice a view, the area around it was cramped and tourists would always come up to me on Market Street and ask me where they could find it. The new positioning is right bang in the middle of Manchester, near the train station where most people arrive at and near the big department stores Primark and Debenhams, so no one can really miss it.

A sky ride was erected in the middle of 2013 which allowed people to pay around £6 (if my memory serves me) for a ride which took you high up in the air so that you could get a good view of central Manchester. If I am right, this ride was a test to see how many people would use the ride and how much profit it would generate, as the big wheel has been put up in its place. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I'm assuming in the mean time.

The wheel took us around 4 times for the student price of £6, which was incredibly worth it. As we went around the second time, two police cars sped by on the ground and pulled up at a shop, where a crowd of people were gathering. We got a birdseye view of the action and it was quite exhilarating. The view at night was beautiful, especially with the coloured fountains below (something I recommend going out of your way to see, if you ever find yourself in Picadilly) and the iconic silhouette of the Hilton Hotel in the distance.

After the big wheel, we found ourselves wandering around by Albert Square, then a quick trip to King Street then finally at the sweet shop in the Arndale. All in all, it was a Valentine's day well spent (and our first!)

New Music: Five Seconds Of Summer (5SOS)

There's four of them, they're Australian and they've supported One Direction on tour; Five Seconds Of Summer are a perfect match for a teenage girl.

They're about to tour the UK (buy tickets here: [x]) and they've recently been scouring the country to promote their new single, 'She Looks So Perfect'.

The single has a catch opening which, teamed with an initial Harry Styles voice-a-like makes for an undoubtfully successful debut.

The band (Luke, Callum, Ash and Michael) rose to fame last year when they supported One Direction on their second and world tour following the release of the album 'Take Me Home'. '5SOS' were suddenly known worldwide by Directioners, who flocked to the band on twitter, increasing their popularity through word of mouth- er, tweet.

I just felt the need to share this song with you all as it's really catchy and cheers you up after a hard day of work!

Twitter: [x]

Saturday, 8 February 2014

London Calling

Please forgive me for the clichéd post title!

On Monday I travelled down the M6 en route to London, capital of England and home of the Queen, Sherlock Holmes... and Boris Johnson.

The trip was arranged by the Media department at my college and only cost £90 for a one night stay in a three star hotel, a trip to the London Eye and a tour around the new headquarters of the BBC.

I've done a little montage vlog of the two days and I hope you're willing to spend 6 minutes of your time listening to Beyoncé and Ellie Goulding and watching some shaky filming and awful, rushed editing. Drop a comment if you like, drop a comment if you hate.

I'll probably do a written review below when I have the time to fully reflect, but for now, enjoy! (Video is at the top of this post)

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Media Coursework Results

Hello guys! Today I bring a quick personal update and some brilliant news.

I am currently studying A Level Media and on Monday our semi-official coursework marks were released to us and I am proud to reveal that I achieved an A* overall!

The coursework consisted of a blog [x] and a music video [x] which we made in October. We could choose any song to use and my group decided on Bastille's song 'Flaws', which they recently (re?)released as a single, so obviously we must of inspired them to make it a hit...

We really worked hard and I think my advice to any other Media student who wants to do well is bulk out your blog with good quality posts and don't worry if you're not confident with your video, it can turn out rubbish and as long as you mention the mistakes you've made then you've justified your work and you've shown the examiner that you can criticise your own work constructively.

We were only on the border of an A* though so I am a little worried that the examiner will lower it slightly and we'll fall back into the A grade boundary. But even an A is more than I could've hoped for!

I also received my mock exam results. Which were not so good, to be honest. I achieved an E in Maths, a D in English Language and Literature and a B in Media. You can see where my talents lie. 

I did enjoy the maths exam though and I'm a little baffled to where I went wrong. I'll be revising profusely over the next few months, I can't afford to get anything less than a B overall, as my offer from Leeds University wants AAB overall. Wish me luck!

Monday, 27 January 2014

Multiple Personality Disorder / Dissociative Identity Disorder

This is a random one, but something I find really interesting.

The video above (and I hope she doesn't mind me embedding this) is the first episode in a series of vlogs from Jess, a university student with Dissociative Identity Disorder, or 'DID' for short.

I heard about her story from the BBC Three Documentary 'Diaries of a Broken Mind' which aired last July. It follows the lives of several individuals who all have a sort of 'mental health problem', from the likes of bi-polar disorder, to agoraphobia, to DID. When watching, I found it both fascinating and saddening how slight alters to one's brain or mind frame can cause such an overbearing impact on their lives.

Jess' story was the one that intrigued me the most, partly because she mentioned in the programme that she had an online vlog about her disorder. From watching her videos and doing a smidgen of research on DID, I've decided that it needs wider coverage.

DID is an issue caused predominantly through experiencing some kind of trauma. This can come in many forms and wikipedia (most trustful source on the internet... or not) states "people diagnosed with DID often report that they have experienced severe physical and sexual abuse". This trauma is too extreme for the brain to handle, and so it creates another identity, or 'alter', who irregularly or frequently 'switches' with the host (for lack of a better word) and brings forth a whole new personality into the same body. A quote from Jess - When you switch with an alter, 'You can either be co-conscious (means you can see/hear things that are going on but can't necessarily do anything) or not co-conscious at all, meaning the personality does whatever without you being able to see what it's doing.'

DID is a condition that is hard to prove. Imagine your friend having 'mood swings' and personality changes frequently and then telling you she has two (or more!) people living inside their body. I can bet you wouldn't be able to comprehend it.

What fascinates me about DID is the idea of several people sharing one body. I think it's amazing that the brain can create multiple identities inside one body, it just shows how powerful the brain is, and how we definitely don't use its full potential. But at the same time as being fascinating, I feel both happy and sad for people with DID. Happy, because they get to experience something only a few people ever will, and they're never alone - technically - they have their alters by their side for a long while. But I also sympathise with these people, as some have as many as 200 (or more!) alters living in their mind, arising at any moment and taking over their body. Imagine fighting to be able to control your hands, a battle you will most probably lose. Also, alters are entirely new people, stuck in a body that is not theirs. This is a sad truth, as they'll never be able to fully live their own life. Also, not all alters are kind and sweet. Since they are born through experiencing a trauma, some can be nasty and cause a person to be suicidal; or they may be suicidal themselves. As you can imagine, lots of problems are caused here.

I am not an expert on DID, but from what little I do know about it, I know we need to raise awareness so that people aren't singled out or bullied because they have an undiagnosed case of it. Mention it to a friend, have a discussion about it, share Jess' story. It's an important part of her life and needs to be known.

Jess' youtube: [x]
Jess' second youtube: [x]

Friday, 24 January 2014


A few of you may have browsed YouTube lately and found videos or 'roleplays' with the word ASMR in their title. Please, don't judge these videos by the first 5 seconds, by your friend's jokes about them or by the comments underneath.

What is ASMR?

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, or 'ASMR', is the tingly feeling you receive when you listen to a certain sound, see a certain image or action or smell a certain smell that 'triggers' you. This tingling may relax you, help you fall asleep or simply just feel nice and that is what makes ASMR so amazing.

This might sound complicated, but it really isn't. Have you ever felt a soothing tingling sensation over your scalp, or down your back, or even in your toes after someone has whispered something to you or after you see someone describe a concept with their hands? If the answer is 'yes', then you, my friend, have experienced ASMR. If the answer is 'no', then you're probably moving your cursor towards the 'x' button with a mildly confused expression spread over your face.

If you have never experienced ASMR - and most of us haven't - then please, check out the list of recommended ASMR artists (they're the youtubers who appeal to your ASMR needs) below and watch one of their videos. If you're new to the concept, I suggest you try one of their 'whispering' videos rather than a 'roleplay', as you may find the idea of someone pretending to be a doctor to help you sleep rather odd and this may put you off.

My Experience

I first discovered ASMR when I was scrolling through youtube's suggestions of recommended videos for me and I found one called 'Eye Examination Role Play for Relaxation (ASMR)' by a youtube channel owned by American ASMRist Heather Feather. I'm not going to lie, when I saw the word 'Role Play' I thought that the video had sexual content and stayed clear of it for weeks until one day I realised that it wouldn't be so high profile on YouTube and still exist with it's sexual content allowances and so I braved it and jumped right in.

I had no idea what I was watching, I found it very queer that people would watch these videos for fun. I didn't know the purpose of the video either, until half way through when Heather hold up a pad of paper with 'random' letters on and asks you to read them as part of the eye test. I hadn't even realised I was tingling until I read the sentences on the pad and it says something alike 'Hi! I hope you are getting tingles'.

And since then I have explored all the modern ASMR techniques; scratching, whispering, soft speaking, tapping, water sounds, chewing, sksksk-ing, blowing in your ears, roleplays... the list is surely infinite.


ASMR relaxes me every night, and I'm someone who doesn't even have a problem dropping off to sleep. If you suffer from insomnia or find it hard to wind down after a day in the office then ASMR might be the thing for you.

All I ask is you keep an open mind whilst watching the videos. The people making them are genuinely trying to relax you and if you take the mick out of them then you're wasting their time and effort. If you dislike the concept, simply do not revisit it.

Leave a comment with your opinion of ASMR! (Or a question if this post baffled you! ^.^)

List of ASMR artists (on YouTube):
- Heather Feather
- pigsbum53 (Nicole)
- SoftlyGaloshes (Bekah)
- TheWaterWhispers (Ilse)
- LauraLemureX (Laura)
- WhispersUnicorn

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Summer In The City

Recently I bought tickets for the upcoming two-day festival, 'Summer In The City'. 
You may have heard of it, but if not, this event is the 'biggest youtuber gathering in London' and will take place on the 9th and 10th August 2014, in Alexandria Palace. 
Tickets went on sale on Wednesday 14th January and a weekend ticket cost £34 and sold out in a matter of minutes, although the event organisers predicted that tickets would not fully sell out until Friday 16th. The price has increased for tickets this year but seeing as my birthday is in July, I have persuaded my mum to pay the fee! Hurrah!

I've booked a nice hotel just 10 minutes walk away from the venue and me and my friend Kim are going for 3 days to London. By then we'll both be 18 so there's no limits... I can see this getting messy!

We haven't booked travel yet but I am trying to convince her that it'll be better (and more importantly, cheaper) to travel down by megabus. I've had a look at some prices and, if you can believe it, it's only £16 for a return trip down to London from Manchester. I know we'd be paying for a 5 hour journey in a confined space with little if no air conditioning and a toilet that's been violently exploited by an overweight middle-aged man but hey, it's cheap travel down to the capital of England and I'll take that!

The only problem we face is that Kim is claustrophobic and so I'm slowly trying to persuade her to face her fear in order to save £15+. I'm a good friend.

Seeing as it'll be summer, I'll be needing some lightweight travel clothes to keep me cool and so I will probably do a post on that nearer to the time, so keep your eyes peeled! 

I'll also do a vlog post on the whole event so you can see what I got up too, I'm very excited for it and now I have another excuse for wishing it was summer sooner!

New Year: Resolved

So at the beginning of this year, as most of us do on the first of January, I created a short list of New Year's Resolutions to try and achieve over the next few months. I've steered clear of the clichéd 'join a gym' resolution (although I did join a gym for a whole 3 days - that's another story though) and have concocted this list:
  1. Eat Healthily - I think this is something everyone tries to achieve at some point in their lives. Eating healthily isn't necessarily eating a bowl of salad three times a day, and as a fussy eater I'm already finding this one a challenge. I'm aiming for a healthy breakfast (weetabix, shredded wheat, omelette, etc.) followed by a light snack at lunch and something I actually want for tea. I think the key to healthiness is eat more, snack less - especially if you're aiming to lose weight in the process. 
  2. Walk More - This resolution ties in with the first; I think it's clear from these two that I'm trying to become fitter and healthier. Unfortunately I am quite partial to cheating and nipping on a bus for a short journey instead of walking; 'Hey, I have a £200 bus pass, I need to use it!' being the most common excuse. But fair play, if I do say so myself.
  3. Spend Less Money - You only realise how easy it is to spend £50 in one transaction when your bank account is speedily reaching single figures and you suddenly need a budget. I easily walk into Primark, being tricked into it's hands by cheap clothes and no minimum card spend limit, and walk out with three items of clothing and £30 less in my bank. Therefore I have designed a scheme to follow when purchasing and I ask my self the three big questions: 'Do I need it? Why do I need it? Can I really afford it?' I think this helps me make a justified decision... 50% of the time.
I can see myself giving up halfway through the year but I am thoroughly determined to fulfil these resolutions for as long as I can.

Maybe I'll give a little update in June; hopefully it'll be positive!

Friday, 17 January 2014

New Year, New Blog

Welcome, welcome, welcome to my very first blog post!

A little introduction: Hello, I'm Beth! I'm in college and I'm an aspiring radio presenter. I hope that when you discover this blog it has more posts than this one and that you're enjoying browsing around. My life can get pretty boring at times so please  bear with me, but I'll do my best to entertain and choose the best things from my life to showcase and review.

This blog's birth was inspired by my close friend, Lucy, who also blogs on this website. It seems like a nice way to relieve stress and meet other people with similar interests but also give strangers an insight to my life.

So I hope I stick with this for a long time and I hope I meet as many new people as I can!

Thank you for visiting x